Welcome to
Foot of the Mountain Yoga
Highland Perthshire
I currently teach a variety of classes from Kingussie to Aberfeldy. I live with my husband in a beautiful old farmhouse in the Scottish Highlands - at the foot of a mountain called Schiehallion. It has a sacred meaning from pre-history and its name translates as "Faerie Hill of the Caledonians".

About My Yoga
Judy Cameron
My teacher, Diane Long, expresses so beautifully the essence of a yoga practice:
“It is a practice which, sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly, sometimes by chance, reveals magical connections between lightness and rest.”
“Become lighter and see what that suggests. Investigate the structure of your feet, the structure of your hands. Investigate the connections between the large joints of the body and soften the larger outer muscles to feel what is happening beneath them. Use your eyes and your imagination. Be playful...”
From Notes on Yoga: The Legacy of Vanda Scaravelli by Diane Long and Sophy Hoare
With gratitude to my other teachers, from whom I continue to learn so much:
Sandra Sabatini, Michal Havkin, Gary Carter, John Stirk, Louise Simmons
My Classes & Training
Have a look at my gallery of photos